The energy rating shows how easy it is to save energy

Because all energy production impacts on the environment and energy per se is invisible, we need a reminder that we should budget our resources carefully. This is where energy ratings come in.
The EU’s 2030 target for energy efficiency
As part of global efforts to combat the threat to the climate, a few years ago the EU Member States resolved to reduce the European Union's total energy consumption by 20 percent by the year 2020. To further these efforts, energy rating and eco-design requirements were introduced for all products operated by electricity. Negotiations are currently ongoing in the EU on updating and adapting the present Energy Efficiency Directive to embrace the EU's 2030 targets for energy efficiency.
Everyone stands to gain
Homes with poorly insulated windows lose a third of all their heat in this way. This means that approximately 15 TWh of energy (equivalent to the annual production of the Swedish Forsmark nuclear power plant) escapes from buildings in Sweden alone – and it is entirely unnecessary. The EU has therefore taken the decision that windows should be labelled with their energy rating. This is so that you the consumer might find it easier to take smart decisions when it comes to energy use. The mandatory labelling will not come into force for a few years yet. For the moment, we here in Sweden have a voluntary labelling system.